Monday, March 31, 2014

How To Stop Those Late Night Sugar Cravings

Every night you finish dinner and just like clockwork those sugar cravings come on. Chocolate, I need chocolate. So you head on over to the cabinet (thinking just one little bite will be enough) and one small cookie turns into 2, which turns into 3, and then before you know it the whole box is gone! You feel guilty, out of control and like you continuously keep "ruining" your healthy eating streak.

Because the body is so complicated, with trillions of cells working to keep us in balance, it would be silly of us to think that cravings were simply just a matter of will power. Cravings are messages sent by our bodies that are telling us something is missing. The body is trying to put us back into balance. So the good news is, will power has little to do with it!

Getting rid of your cookie monster cravings means getting to the root of the problem. What is missing from your diet? What is missing from your life?  You are not weak, it's not that you don't have will power, there's a reason so let's find it! Once you do that, you'll be able to create healthier habits and be able to feel in control with the food choices you make.

For me, I realize that the times I get cravings are when I'm stressed out, tired, or don't have a good breakfast. If my emotions or normal habits are out of whack all hell will break loose. Hide your cookies. Hide your cake, because i'm comin for them... I've learned with my body that everything is connected from your spiritual and physical to emotional well being. If you are falling short in one area, you'll be more likely to make poor choices with your health.

Take a look at some of these tips to help you understand why we get cravings in the first place and what to do about them!

1. You're missing something in your diet

     When the body doesn't get enough of the right macro and micronutrients it's going to let you know in the form of cravings. What your cravings really mean are that you might be missing out on...

2. Underlying emotional issues

     Our brains remember that sugar makes us happy. So when we are lonely, stressed, fighting with someone we love, angry with ourselves, uninspired or sad our bodies will reach out to sugar to make us feel better. If this is the case for you, recognize that no amount of brownies will make your underlying emotional issues go away and the cycle of emotional eating will continue until you fix the real problem. Take a deep breathe and really figure out what's bothering you and take one step at a time to bring yourself back into a healthy emotional balance.

3. You didn't eat a good breakfast (or breakfast at all)

    Dr. Oz (god i love that man) says that if you don't eat a good breakfast in the morning your body will be all thrown off. Your body slows down your metabolism since it detects a famine coming on and then when you are later presented with food, it leads you to eating everything in sight! My favorite breakfast lately has been 2 eggs cooked in coconut oil with either a green smoothie on the side or a piece of whole grain toast with avocado and sea salt! Keeps me full and energized throughout the morning!

4. Yin/ Yang Imbalance

   According to health coach Margo Gladys', "Some foods have more yin qualities while other foods possess more yang qualities. Consuming too many yin foods or too many yang foods will cause cravings in order to maintain balance. For example, eating a diet too rich in sugar (yin) may cause a craving for meat( yang). Eating too many raw foods (yin) may cause cravings for extremely cooked foods (yang) and vice versa."

5. You didn't get a good night sleep

     When your tired your body is going to look for sugar to perk you up to keep you up! If you're bored late at night and are eating because you're body wants sugar, what it call might just need is your bed!

And some bonus tip ideas for dealing with cravings without giving into to addictive sugary foods are:  

  • don't skip meals
  • keep healthy snacks around
  • try increasing your protein intake throughout the day
  • try a cup of tea with lemon or stevia (plant based sweetener)
  • drink water (your body manifests its thirst in the form of hunger)
  • and of course my personal favorite…dark chocolate above 70% cacao always does the trick!

Stay focused, find balance, be happy :)


Monday, March 17, 2014

Want To Be A Healthy Vegetarian? Here's 5 Tips On How To Do It!

Over the past few years, studies have confirmed the array of health benefits of a meatless diet. Research has shown that not only can vegetarians get all the nutrients they need but also that a plant based diet reduces the risk of many chronic illnesses and is an overall healthier lifestyle.

" Appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases"
(Journal of American Dietic Association, July 2009)

After putting up my last post, What I Gained From A Vegetarian Diet, I've had a handful of people tell me they were taking up my challenge to go vegetarian for the next month. WOO!

I was so happy to hear this but at the same time was hoping that they would not fall into the trap of becoming a junk food vegetarian….You know, since after all, chips, bagels, sugary cereals, pasta, pizza and cheese fries are all vegetarian…

So here it is. For anyone needing some guidance on how to do vegetarian the right way. Here are my most basic tips for being a healthy vegetarian!

1. Keep things exciting

"So do you just eat like carrot sticks and salads all day?"

Absolutely not! I think that if I ate the same boring raw vegetables and house salads day in and day out I would not be such an advocate for this lifestyle. There are so many great recipes in vegetarian cookbooks and online to keep things exciting! My tip? Try one new simple dinner recipe a week to add to your "recipe box".
2. Up your protein intake

One of the first questions my friend Alison asked me when she decided to give up meat for lent was 
" how will I get my protein?" 

Some protein ideas that I eat in my diet: beans, lentils, chickpeas, seeds, nuts, eggs, nut butters, avocado, quinoa, occasional tofu and tempeh, hemp, spirulina, leafy greens, chia seeds, hummus, greek yogurt. Also, if you decide to only cut out animal meat, fish is a great source of protein as well.
3. Eat clean

"Salads don't fill me up, I'm not a bird. So I will eat a platter of cheese and fries to keep me full instead"

The biggest mistake you can make is to replace meat with processed foods and not eat enough whole foods. Sometimes people will say a vegetarian diet didn't work for them because they were always hungry, or their cholesterol went up, ect. But then I ask them what they ate and it was mostly microwaved dinners, junk food, and an excessive amount of cheese, pizza and pasta. Well of course this didn't work! Your body was starving for nutrients.  Don't be afraid to snack on vegetables and fruits all day long! Which leads me to my next tip...

4. Eat the rainbow.. and a lot of it!

"Do vegetarians need to take supplements?"

In reality, whole foods provide all the essential nutrients the body needs. When you eat vegetables and fruits of all different colors, they each provide certain vitamins and minerals. Honestly though, sometimes it is hard to make sure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs. It is common that when you stop eating red meat it can lead to anemia. I never experienced this but  you should consult with your doctor and consider taking a good quality zinc, iron, or b12 supplement if you feel you are not getting adequate nutrition.

My favorite way to incorporate more vegetables into my diet is by drinking green smoothies. Great for if your on the run or hate vegetables plain.

5.  Don't give up your favorite meals

"I miss eating chicken parmesan" 

You'll be surprised how many meals can be made vegetarian. People always ask me "you don't miss meat?". And to be honest, I don't at all. But the one thing that I miss are buffalo chicken wings… yep. weird right? But it isn't the chicken I miss- it is the texture and the spicy sauce. So what do I do? I typed into google "vegetarian version of buffalo wings" and up came a recipe that used cauliflower to replace the chicken! It 's delicious and really does the trick!

Missing a burger? Try a veggie burger or black bean burger.
Missing chicken parmesan? Try eggplant parmesan.
Missing lasagna? Try a vegetable lasagna.
Missing a Bolognese pasta sauce? Try chopping up eggplant into the sauce.
Miss a turkey sandwich? Try loading up a whole grain bread with avocado, lettuce, tomato, lemon, onions and pepper. (Or tuna fish if you decide to continue eating fish)
Miss a steak? Try a blackened or grilled tuna or swordfish topped with hot peppers and caramelized onions.

Just a quick little tidbit- I don't necessarily think eating meat is unhealthy! In moderation, organic grass fed chicken and beef that does not contain growth hormones injected into regular cows and chickens are an excellent source of protein. However, it is clear that there are benefits to a vegetarian diet when the focus is on whole, nutritious foods. Whether you are set on trying out a vegetarian diet or just trying to get healthier by cutting out some meat, these tips will always be here for you to look back on moving forward with any health journey you decide to embark on!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What I've Gained From A Vegetarian Diet

When I was in high school, I decided that I no longer wanted to eat meat. The sole reason for becoming a vegetarian at the time was merely compassion for animals. Although I grew up like most kids, chowing down on chicken fingers and buffalo wings, I remember always having to trick myself into not thinking about the fact that I was eating a dead animal. I got to a point where I was old enough to make my own decisions and so I waved goodbye to my old carnivorous ways and said hello to my new vegetarian diet.

To this day, I don't eat meat because I don't feel good about putting a dead carcass in my body. Yes, I know that wording is a little strong but it's the truth. If it's unacceptable to eat your pet dog or cat, why is it okay to eat a pig or a cow or a chicken or a lamb? Over the years I have read up, watched documentaries and written papers on what actually happens to the animals before they end up on your plate. To sum it up, let's just say that these animals are not being sent to a farm spa to take mud baths and get deep tissue massages before gently being laid to rest. These animals (yes, the ones that end up on your fork and in your mouth) have their heads torn off in factories when they're still alive, their bodies skinned and their limbs dismembered all for what? A bacon, egg and cheese sandwich? For this reason, I am pro vegetarian all the way.

Now I know what you're thinking. You like your egg and cheese with bacon and your not going to go vegetarian simply because I'm telling you I feel bad for animals.  I understand that I can't force people to feel the way that I do (because I do acknowledge the fact that humans have been eating meat for thousands of years) but before you totally rule out vegetarianism, let me share with you the benefits and what I have learned along the way from not eating meat. 

Vegetarianism is not simply a diet but an empowering and rewarding lifestyle that can put you on the right path towards the health and happiness you've been searching for.  For starters, the most on the surface scientifically proven benefits that come with a vegetarian diet are: weight loss, clear skin, low cholesterol, lower risk of developing cancer, higher energy and longer lifespan. I can tell you first hand that if any of those sound appealing to you, going vegetarian might be the way to go! In addition to these benefits, and the part I find most rewarding though is gaining a greater connection to myself and to the world around me. I know I sound like a crazy yogi, but bare with me here. When I stopped eating meat, it was like my whole life was detoxified. My body felt amazing and this alone energized me in all other areas of my life. I began putting healthier foods into my body that came from the earth and not a slaughter house and since then I've felt alive, I've felt happy and it is a lifestyle I recommend anyone to try. I realized that when you take care of your body, everything else seems to fall into place. It's an inevitable domino effect that leads to healthier habits and a healthier mind, body and soul.

This is my challenge for you: 1 month with no meat. Are you up for it?! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain :)! If you have been struggling to get healthy and need a kickstart, a place to start or some kind of discipline give it a shot!

To health and happiness,

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Healthy Superfood (And Recipe) You Need To Try!

I can't think of a more perfect way to start the month of March than with picking a healthy food to try and incorporate more of into your diet. If you are looking to start the month healthy and strong, why not start cooking with Quinoa? Yep, that funky word (pronounced keen-wah) is my all time favorite go -to grain that I am sharing with you today!

"While no single food can supply all the essential life sustaining nutrients, quinoa comes as close as any other in the plant or animal kingdom."

Quinoa was sacred to the Incas, and referred to by them as chisaya mama, or the mother of all grains. Why exactly is it the "mother"? Well I'd have to guess that it's because Quinoa is easy to cook, has a high protein content, keeps you full longer, and is a healthy carbohydrate. What I love about Quinoa most though is that it is SO versatile

Salads can be boring and sometimes not filling but if you throw in a 1/2 cup of quinoa with some balsamic dressing it makes all the difference! How about with an omelet with spinach, onions and avocado? mhm delicious! Mexican or Chinese food or any other dish as a substitute for white rice? That works 100%. Even as a main ingredient for baking with to replace white flour? oh yes. Quinoa pairs really nice as a side dish to any protein too- grilled shrimp, grilled chicken, scallops, fish- you name it!

What I like to do is make a big batch of quinoa at the beginning of the week to store in the refrigerator that will stay fresh for 3-5 days. Then, for the rest of the week all I have to do is reheat up the quinoa in a pan and season it to fit whatever dish I'm making, or just throw it in a salad and I'm good to go! I simply boil 2 cups water and 1 cup quinoa and it takes about 15-20 minutes to cook just that first time. It is a really great base that you can throw into any dish for lunch of dinner that week to save time prepping meals.

I like to take either the mexican or asian root when I make my quinoa. Today I want to share with you all an example of a simple mexican quinoa recipe that I just whipped up off the top of my head last week that came out delicious. It took under 15 minutes to make and kept me full and from snacking later on in the evening (which I tend to do A LOT!)

Quinoa Bowl Recipe (for picture shown above)
Servings: roughly 2-3

1 cup dry quinoa 
vegetables of choice: I chose 1 red bell pepper, cherry tomatoes, 1/4 white onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup black beans
1/2 avocado, diced
2 teaspoons coconut oil or olive oil
a few pinches of salt

1. cook quinoa ( follow directions on package.very simple- should be 2 cups water boiled with 1 cup dry quinoa)
2. dice all the vegetables
3. melt oil in stir fry pan
4. add garlic to oil for 2-3 minutes
5. add vegetables into pan with oil, reduce heat and cook vegetables for a few minutes
7. mix in drained black beans, cooked quinoa and salt and heat for a few minutes
8. place in dish and top with sliced avocado. store leftovers in fridge for the week!
9. Option to:
       make asian: top with soy sauce &cook in sesame oil
       make mexican: top with a hot sauce of choice

If you want a simple and pre made/ pre seasoned quinoa I recommend the Seeds of Change packets at Costco, Whole Foods or in some super markets. Just heat up the packet on the stove and eat it with whatever protein you like: grilled chicken, tofu, shrimp, fish, scallops. It's quick and easy for if you don't have the time or energy one night to cook a meal but are trying to stay healthy!

I hope you give this grain a try and maybe even implement it into some of your special family recipes for a little healthy twist! Bon appetit!