Monday, December 30, 2013

5 Tips For Making A New Years Resolution That You Will Actually Keep

As January 1st approaches, you may be starting to think about a new year's resolution for 2014. If you're having trouble thinking of one, I can lend you a resolution that no one else has probably ever made before: to get healthier and fit. What do you guys think? It's a good one, right?!

Alright, you got me. To get healthier and fit are probably the most popular resolutions made at the start of the new year, and they are made with the best intentions too! But we all know that so many of us end up disappointed in ourselves from our inability to follow through with our new diets and workout plans as the year progresses. But why is this? Maybe it's because in the past you have lacked the motivation, commitment or right tools to make a sustainable change.

You've had it in you all along to be the healthiest and happiest version of yourself, but maybe all you need is a little guidance. This January 1st you are going to change your life. Not because of societal pressures to be fit. Not because you saw someone in a bathing suit and want to look like them. And not because you feel you are not perfect. Rather, January 1st is going to be the start of a healthier life because deep down it is what you want. You want to feel great about your body inside and out. You want to take control of any illnesses or health problems you have. And you want to treat your body with the love it deserves. Decide to make a change, come out of the gate with a positive mindset and don't allow any obstacles to get in your way.

I'm ready to help you make 2014 different than any other year. If you are on board I am here to help! Here are 5 tips to set your New Year's Resolution up for success:

1. Make your resolution measurable

Set little goals for every 2 weeks so that you can check in on your progress and build confidence by measuring your success! Pick little goals that support the broader resolution. For example, if your resolution for 2014 is to lose 15 pounds, maybe the first 2 weeks your goal will be to lose 2-4 pounds by cutting out junk food on week days (potato chips, soda, candy bars, ect). When you ease your way into change, you will become more comfortable and be able to stick with it and add on a new goal for the next 2 weeks! (ex. no junk food during the week AND 30 minutes cardio 3 times a week to lose 2-4 more pounds)

2. Make your goals visible

There are going to be times when you don't feel like going to the gym or are being seduced by that pint of ice-cream in the freezer. It is important to find a way to motivate yourself each morning. A great way to do this is by writing your goals down and maybe some motivational quotes and place it somewhere you will see everyday: your car, your refrigerator, your bathroom mirror, etc.

3. Plan ahead

Life is busy and everyone has responsibilities but you should always be able to make time for your health and fitness. When you plan ahead, you are more likely to stay on track and treat your gym session like you would a meeting for work. Additionally, during a busy week many people often turn to fast food restaurants as a quick and easy dinner. On sunday night meal prep a few healthy go to snacks or meals for the week!

4.Get up and Get moving… No excuses!
…enough said!

5. Ditch the diets, eat REAL WHOLE FOODS!

The way to get healthy and the way to lose weight and keep it off is not by eating "diet" foods that restrict calories, fats or carbs and are filled with toxins, preservatives and an ingredient list longer than the dictionary. Instead, you need to eat real, whole foods that are packed with nutrients and minerals. Whole foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes are the answer. It's as simple as that. Instead of taking all unhealthy foods out of your diet, start gradually by adding in whole foods. For example, with lunch and dinner have whatever you normally eat but first eat a big salad. The good foods will eventually crowd out the crappy foods and your body will begin to crave the nutrients in the whole foods that it has been seeking for so long.

2014 is just days away. Right now take out a pen and paper and write down your health/fitness goal for 2014, plan out little goals for every 2 weeks to track your success, and most importantly: commit. Commit to yourself to make 2014 the year you will make the changes you have always wanted to. And remember: you have it in you, don't give up I'm rooting for you.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas To All, And To All Namaste!

The lights, the ornaments, & the tree are all reflective of Christmas: the birth of Jesus Christ and the celebration of Catholics around the world.

The yoga position to the right of the photo represents a physical, mental and spiritual practice that stems from Buddhist philosophy. 

The headstand is juxtaposed by the christmas tree. This photo reminds us of the importance of the love each one of us should have for each other's religions, and of the fundamental principals of compassion, forgiveness, and oneness that each of us share regardless of our beliefs. 

Wishing you and your families a merry merry merry christmas and a day filled with love and happiness from my heart to yours!


Sunday, December 22, 2013

My Favorite Chocolatey Brownies

Calling all my chocolate addicts! I have THE BEST brownie recipe for you.

Brownies are delicious. That's no secret. Especially during the holidays there's nothing better than having hot gooey brownies to devour for dessert! For this year's christmas and christmas eve you can make brownies for you and your family, but make them a lot healthier with this recipe! No flour, no eggs, no gluten, no dairy, no preservatives, no hydrogenated oils- nada! Just healthy ingredients disguised in a chocolatey heaven!

I made these brownies for a family get together this weekend and they were an absolute hit! My sister Dana, who is the pickiest eater and my biggest critic, absolutely loved them. This was a big deal! Dana never likes anything outside her box so if she says they're good, they must be!!! I'm pretty sure she even went back for seconds and thirds! (sorry Dana they know your weakness!)

This recipe uses coconut oil and coconut sugar to replace any refined oils or white sugars like in other brownie recipes. Coconut sugar has more vitamins and minerals than any other type of sugar, it's completely unrefined, and is a low glycemic sugar that has a minimal effect on blood sugar.

These brownies also use a special ingredient: black beans. But let me let you in on a little secret, if you didn't know they were in there you would NEVER KNOW!

Dana's initial reaction: omg ew. beans in brownies? That's so gross.

Dana's reaction after getting her to try them: Okay you're right. You can't even tell the difference.

What you will need:

  • 1.5 cans/cups of black beans, drained and rinsed very well
  • 1/4 cup agave nectar, coconut nectar or maple syrup
  • 4 tbsp coconut oil or sunflower oil
  • 3/4 cup of dark chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup quick oats, rolled oats or oat flour (i use gluten-free)
  • 2 tbsp raw cacao powder
  • 2 tbsp coconut palm sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp fine himalayan sea salt

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
  2. Grease a 6"X6" or 7"X7" square baking dish. I use coconut cooking spray
  3. In a food processor or blender, add all the ingredients except for the chocolate chips. Scrape down the sides with a rubber spatula and process until completely smooth.
  4. Place mixture into a bowl and fold in chocolate chips.
  5. Pour into the pan and spread evenly with a spatula or knife.
  6. Place in the oven for 20-30 minutes, depending on your oven.
  7. Cool for at least 10 minutes. Also, try to cool in the refrigerator for at least an hour for more texture (these even taste great cold!)
  8. Option to add dark chocolate chips to top of brownies
  9. Seve alone cold or warm, or a little warm with your choice of ice cream to make it a brownie a la mode!

I hope you enjoy this healthy holiday treat! 

Chocolate X & O's,


Courtesy of Yvonne Ardestani
Recipe made available by My Eclectic Kitchen

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sweet Potato Fries

Healthy has never tasted so good. These sweet potato fries will knock not only your socks off, but your entire wardrobe! You might have seen sweet potato fries in restaurants before, but what you might not know is that they are incredibly easy to make in your own home! Enjoy as a side dish at dinner or store in the fridge overnight and eat them cold the next day( my favorite!)

What you will need:

  • 2 large sweet potatoes
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil melted (or olive oil)
  • 1/2 tsp celtic sea salt
  • Toppings: cayenne pepper & paprika for a nice kick OR cinnamon for sweeter fries


  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F
  2. Slice sweet potatoes into 1/4-inch long slices
  3. In a large bowl, toss sweet potatoes with melted coconut oil, salt, and your topping choice
  4. Spread sweet potatoes on a baking sheet without overlapping (option to sprinkle on more salt here)
  5. Bake for 20 minutes, or until tender and golden brown
  6. For crispier fries, broil on low for 2 minutes
  7. Let sweet potatoes cool for 5-10 minutes before serving


It's as simple as that! Finger lick in' deeeeeeelicious! Have you ever tried sweet potato fries before? What's your favorite way to make them?

Sending you sweet potato love,


Friday, December 13, 2013

5 Healthy Food Swaps

Everyday we are bombarded with information telling us "eat this, not that". It can be very overwhelming and not to mention, confusing!  I've found that its best to take simple and realistic steps- swap this for that- so that you're healthy diet can be maintained and won't be a roller coaster ride.

I want to share with you 5 healthy food swaps that you can make today that aren't dramatic or leave you feeling like you're missing out on anything!

Are you ready? Here they are!

1.Swap: White Bread 
   For: Ezekiel bread 

This is my number one swap that I recommend to anyone, but ESPECIALLY to diabetics. White bread is bleached and refined (basically an empty calorie food with no nutritional content). It quickly raises blood sugar levels and if the body doesn't use the bread's energy right away, it will be stored as fat. Here are more details on why white bread is not a healthy choice!

I prefer Ezekiel bread over any other bread (even over whole wheat!) Let me tell you why. Ezekiel bread is a sprouted grain bread. The flour in these grains provides more protein, vitamins and minerals than refined flours. Sprouted grains contain more protein and less fat than other breads, are easier to digest and contains less gluten than other breads. If you're going to make any swap, make it this one! I promise you won't be disappointed….its just as delicious!

2.Swap: Artificial Sweeteners
   For: Stevia

How do I say this nicely? If you're in a relationship with Splenda, Equal or Sweet'n low BREAK UP WITH THEM NOW! These sugar substitutes are toxic chemicals disguised in a colorful packet. Research has shown that the three main ingredients- aspartame, saccharin, and acesfulfame-have all been linked to cancer, Alzheimer's disease, autism, lupus, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease. This will be the best breakup you've ever had.

What to use instead? Stevia! Stevia is a natural sweetener derived from the sweet leaf plant that has no carbs, no calories, and of course no chemicals. Stevia has been proven to lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, and has antibacterial properties. You can buy Stevia in packets or in a liquid drop form and use it in any way that you would use other artificial sweeteners! 

Tip: I like to keep a couple packets in my bags and car so that whenever I'm out ordering coffee or tea I have some with me to use!

3.Swap: Cow's milk
   For: Nut milks (almond milk, coconut milk)

This is probably the easiest swap you can make. Nut milks are high in beneficial fats, high in calcium, easier for your digestion and can be lower in calories. This is especially a great swap for anyone who has joint problems and is trying to reduce inflammation in the body.

4.Swap: white pasta/ white rice
   For:  Brown Rice pasta

I can't stress enough how crucial it is to try your best to limit your white flour intake! But this doesn't have to mean sacrificing your favorite dishes. For those of you who love pasta as much as my italian family does, Trader Joes sells a q brown rice pasta that is just as good as any other white pasta! When I introduced it to my parents, they loved that because it doesn't contain gluten, they didn't have that tired and overly full feeling after dinner that you normally do when eating other pastas.

On the same note, swap white rice for brown rice!

5. Swap: Milk chocolate
    For: 70% dark chocolate or raw cacao

If anyone ever tells you you shouldn't eat chocolate, call the police. Not kidding. I think that might be a felony. Chocolate is the best thing to happen since…well since, ever! Chocolate in its raw form (cacao) is actually really good for you too! It is a rich source of antioxidants, minerals, protects you against free-radical toxins and has rejuvenating properties. Chocolate consists of just one ingredient-cacoa, but today, most chocolate are made with tons of sugars, dairy, chemicals and unhealthy fat. When you can, buy organic dark chocolate with the lowest percentage of processed sugar and the highest percentage or cocoa powder. You can also buy raw cacao in a powder form or buy cacao nibs. Blend it into fruit smoothies, add to trail mix, or use cacao nibs to replace chocolate chips in frozen yogurt, or add to oatmeal.

Ezekiel bread, stevia, nut milks,whole grains and cacao are staples in my house. Make these swaps….just do it! After a few weeks of these swaps your body will be saying: White bread? YUCK. White flour? NO THANKS. Artificial Sweeteners? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?

Get out a pen and paper and put these on your grocery list for the week!

What do you think of these swaps? Have you tried any?

Monday, December 9, 2013

Motivational Monday

WHO you are is what makes you special. Do not change for anyone.
WHAT lies ahead will always be a mystery. Live life in the Now. Don't worry about tomorrow. 
WHEN life pushes you over, you push back harder. This is your life. YOU are in charge.
WHERE there are choices to make, make the ones that lead to your happiness.
WHY things happen will never be certain. But know that you are here for a reason. And that purpose is greater than any of your challenges.

Photograph by Kristopher Glavan. Privlaka, Croatia. 
Have a happy Monday everyone! Be the best version of yourself today. Smile a little wider, laugh a little louder and know that life is too beautiful to spend it stressed out! 

Hakuna Matata,


Friday, December 6, 2013

5 Easy Steps To Get Healthy And Fit, No Matter How Busy You Are

Whenever this time of year rolls around everyone's schedules get really hectic and taking care of our bodies becomes our last priority. Between finals week, christmas shopping, holiday parties, and work deadlines, who has time for eating healthy and working out, right? The most common thing I hear is "Its too hard to stay healthy during the holiday season!" So what do we do? We eat processed and refined foods, pig out on unhealthy desserts, hit up fast food restaurants for convenience, yo-yo diet, and leave working out until "tomorrow". 

The problem with this is that when we have this lifestyle and eat processed and refined foods, these are the things that result in moodiness, acne, weight gain, or just feeling bad or sad or uninspired! There is no doubt that the choices we make regarding how we treat our bodies have a direct link to our happiness. Instead of going through the month of December overindulging and waiting until January 1st to do a "detox", get healthy today. Right here. Right now. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle does not have to be hard! Sometimes you just need a little guidance and motivation! So here is 5 easy steps to get healthy and fit, no matter how busy or stressed you are. It is my early holiday present to you!!

1. Get A Good Night's Sleep

Try to get 8 hours of sleep a night. Go to bed early so that the next day you can be energized and focused on all the things you need to get done! A good night's sleep keeps your immune system strong and helps you maintain a healthy balance of the hormones that make you feel hungry or full. When you don't get enough sleep, your levels of hungry hormones go up and your levels of full hormones go down. This makes you feel hungrier than when you're well rested.

2.Get Those Booty's Moving!

Yep, you hear me! It doesn't matter what it is: weight lifting, high intensity interval training, yoga, spin, pilates, kickboxing, zumba,or a dance session in your living room. All that matters is that those booty's are off the couch!

Exercise is associated with improved mood and immunity, better sleep, and a decrease in one's overall stress. And honestly, no one ever says "wow, I really regret that workout"! There are 24 hours in a day and all it takes is 30 minutes to get a good work out in! MOTIVATE YOURSELF. Write out a workout schedule for the week and do not break any of those dates with the gym!

3. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated helps keep the body healthy by eliminating toxins and waste, increases sport performance, helps control your appetite, and alleviates everyday symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, or joint pain.

Divide your body weight in pounds by 2, then drink that many ounces of water each day (ex. if your 140 pounds, drink 70 ounces or 8 1/2 glasses of water each day)

4. Have Healthy Food Around you

When you're surrounded by crappy food, its hard to eat healthy. So instead of eating out ever night or snacking on left over holiday desserts, fill your house with vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats. Prep your meals for the next day or week ahead of time so when you're schedule gets hectic you don't have to worry about making a healthy lunch because you already did it the night before! This is a much better "fast food" option than McDonalds. 

5. Stop, Drop, & Breathe

There is no doubt that the next month is going to be busy and at times you will feel overwhelmed and stressed. But when this happens, stop, drop, and breathe. Slow your mind down. Slow your body down. Close your eyes and take 10 slow deep breathes and tell yourself that everything is going to be okay. Take one thing at a time and know that in the big picture, there is really nothing to get stressed over. Everything will get done. 

Whatever your going through, whatever stress you have, know that with these tips you can be a healthier and happier you! You have one body, one mind, one spirit, how will you treat it today and everyday?

To health and happiness,


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Why Cardio Is Holding You Back (& What To Do Instead)

It has taken me a few years to get to where I am today: Healthy and Happy. So I'd like to share with you something I wish I had known a few years back.

I was always active and played competitive soccer from a young age. I was never overweight, but in my late teenage years I thought I could lose a few pounds and of course, wanted to have a 6 pack. I said to myself: I need to lose weight. I want to be skinny. I want to be fit. 

So naturally what did I do? I hit the treadmill!

And when I say "hit the treadmill", boy did I hit it. 6 days a week, at least 45 minutes a day. And then after every cardio session I would end it with a 15 minute Ab workout. I was on a roll and felt like if I could keep up with my cardio workouts, pretty soon I'd have the dream body.

You know the people who leisurely workout on the cardio machines while reading a book or talking on their phone? Are you one of them? If you are, it's okay. That was me too. But don't let that fool you. I had all the motivation in the world, but just not the right guidance. I was looking at magazines that said you have to burn more calories than you consume and that cardio would give me the fastest results and fat blast I wanted. Since the cardio machines show how many calories you burn, it was a perfect fit! I never even second guessed what I read in popular fitness magazines, and just assumed I should listen to them.

Then there was My Fitness Pal. The smartphone app that tracks your daily diet and exercise to determine optimal nutrients and caloric intake for your goals. Fitness Pal? Yeah, okay. They should call it My Fitness Enemy. This thing actually drove me insane. Every morsel of food that went in my mouth I tracked. You think I'm kidding? Down to a stick of gum. But everyone was using this app so I thought I should be too! So in went the diet info and calories I burned from my workouts.

I thought these things would make me healthy and fit but instead they actually made me crazy, loose all my lean muscle, and the very opposite of what I wanted. But luckily, in the spring semester of my freshman year in college I took a course to become a certified gym instructor to teach ab, bootcamp, and strength classes. Slowly but surely I learned the way the body worked and why doing 1,000 crunches a day and doing an hour of cardio 6 days a week was doing more harm to my body than good. It certainly didn't happen over night, but I eventually traded in the treadmill for a pair of dumbbells & high intensity interval training, and they became my new best friends. And most importantly, I learned that my goal should be strong, not skinny.

By no means am I saying that cardio is bad. Cardio definitely helps with weight loss and protects you against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholestrol. What I want you to know is that to be healthy, to be fit, the treadmill/ elliptical are not always the answer.  There are 2 common cardio myths that I want to debunk so you can understand why steady-state cardio based workouts might be holding you back from achieving your fitness goals!


1. You Need To Do A Lot Of Cardio To Lose Weight

An hour on the treadmill every day will not make you a lean & mean sexy machine. Long cardio sessions actually work against you! This is because when you workout, your body releases cortisol, which when released for a prolonged time creates insulin resistance, a decrease in bone density, loss of lean muscle mass, and weight gain. AND WHO WANTS ANY OF THAT? 

2. Steady State- Cardio Is The Most efficient form of exercise.

In terms of getting in shape, steady- state cardio is definitely not the most efficient form of exercise. Running at the same pace will not get you anywhere, literally.Cardio does burn more calories that strength training during your workout, but strength training and high intensity interval training torches more fat overall. It's very simple. The more muscle you have, the more fat you burn.

So, if steady- state cardio is not always the best way to go then what is? High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) & Weight Training!

  • HIIT: HIIT burns 3 times the amount of fat in half the exercise time.You work hard for a short amount of time, followed by a short bit of recovery time. Studies show that bursts of high intensity training increase the fat burning potential of muscle, improve the efficiency with which the body burns fat, and is a more time efficient strategy when it comes to fat burning exercise. Try running on the treadmill for 20-25 minutes alternating between a sprint and a slow jog (45 seconds on, 15 seconds off) or try out this workout or this one instead of your regular cardio routine. 
  • Weight Training: Lifting weights boosts your metabolism,improves bone density, helps the body burn more calories throughout the day, and promotes fat-free body mass. Don't be intimidated by the weight section, just jump right in!!

More than anything, I want you to be the happiest and healthiest version of you. You are special and you deserve to live in a body that is strong, confident and filled with energy. If your current workout is not showing you the results you want, make a change. Today, here, NOW. No one said 3 hours of cardio a day was the answer. In fact, no one can give you the answer except YOU. Know your body, know the facts behind certain workouts, and know that you are in charge and that you are beautiful no matter what!

Treat your body with the love it deserves,
