Alright, you got me. To get healthier and fit are probably the most popular resolutions made at the start of the new year, and they are made with the best intentions too! But we all know that so many of us end up disappointed in ourselves from our inability to follow through with our new diets and workout plans as the year progresses. But why is this? Maybe it's because in the past you have lacked the motivation, commitment or right tools to make a sustainable change.
You've had it in you all along to be the healthiest and happiest version of yourself, but maybe all you need is a little guidance. This January 1st you are going to change your life. Not because of societal pressures to be fit. Not because you saw someone in a bathing suit and want to look like them. And not because you feel you are not perfect. Rather, January 1st is going to be the start of a healthier life because deep down it is what you want. You want to feel great about your body inside and out. You want to take control of any illnesses or health problems you have. And you want to treat your body with the love it deserves. Decide to make a change, come out of the gate with a positive mindset and don't allow any obstacles to get in your way.
I'm ready to help you make 2014 different than any other year. If you are on board I am here to help! Here are 5 tips to set your New Year's Resolution up for success:
1. Make your resolution measurable
Set little goals for every 2 weeks so that you can check in on your progress and build confidence by measuring your success! Pick little goals that support the broader resolution. For example, if your resolution for 2014 is to lose 15 pounds, maybe the first 2 weeks your goal will be to lose 2-4 pounds by cutting out junk food on week days (potato chips, soda, candy bars, ect). When you ease your way into change, you will become more comfortable and be able to stick with it and add on a new goal for the next 2 weeks! (ex. no junk food during the week AND 30 minutes cardio 3 times a week to lose 2-4 more pounds)
2. Make your goals visible
There are going to be times when you don't feel like going to the gym or are being seduced by that pint of ice-cream in the freezer. It is important to find a way to motivate yourself each morning. A great way to do this is by writing your goals down and maybe some motivational quotes and place it somewhere you will see everyday: your car, your refrigerator, your bathroom mirror, etc.
3. Plan ahead
Life is busy and everyone has responsibilities but you should always be able to make time for your health and fitness. When you plan ahead, you are more likely to stay on track and treat your gym session like you would a meeting for work. Additionally, during a busy week many people often turn to fast food restaurants as a quick and easy dinner. On sunday night meal prep a few healthy go to snacks or meals for the week!
4.Get up and Get moving… No excuses!
…enough said!
5. Ditch the diets, eat REAL WHOLE FOODS!
The way to get healthy and the way to lose weight and keep it off is not by eating "diet" foods that restrict calories, fats or carbs and are filled with toxins, preservatives and an ingredient list longer than the dictionary. Instead, you need to eat real, whole foods that are packed with nutrients and minerals. Whole foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes are the answer. It's as simple as that. Instead of taking all unhealthy foods out of your diet, start gradually by adding in whole foods. For example, with lunch and dinner have whatever you normally eat but first eat a big salad. The good foods will eventually crowd out the crappy foods and your body will begin to crave the nutrients in the whole foods that it has been seeking for so long.
2014 is just days away. Right now take out a pen and paper and write down your health/fitness goal for 2014, plan out little goals for every 2 weeks to track your success, and most importantly: commit. Commit to yourself to make 2014 the year you will make the changes you have always wanted to. And remember: you have it in you, don't give up I'm rooting for you.
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