Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Good Morning Overnight Oats Recipe

Happy Tuesday all! The past two weeks I've been interning in the NY supreme court and family court and let me tell ya, it is stressful! (for anyone who doesn't know I am attending law school next year!) Not only is there a good amount of heated fights, but there is nowhere for me to put my yoga matt and the judge told me workout sneakers apparently are not "court attire"!? I object! (totally kidding.) Haha. But anyways, each day I've been making sure I find time to get a workout in or a yoga stretch or yoga class. Even if it's just doing jumping jacks, squats and pushups in my living room before dinner for 20 minutes, I am always so happy I got my body moving! It definitely helps on a chemical level to relieve stress and pump up some happy hormones!

One thing that I've always believed is that your morning sets the tone for your whole day. I set my alarm (to nice soothing nature sounds) so that I have enough time to ease into my morning, have a cup of warm water with lemon and eat a healthy breakfast before getting ready and heading out the door. Today I wanted to sleep a little late so I made sure breakfast was all ready for me when I woke up! How is that possible you might ask? Wellllll because of this absolutely delicious recipe I'm about to share with you that takes 60 seconds to make the night before!

Basic Overnight Oats 

Overnight oats are simply oats combined with milk/yogurt/or both, and soaked overnight so that the oats absorb the liquid. In the morning you mix in any toppings you want and it is a jar of OOEY GOOEY DELICIOUSNESS. I recommend a combo of fruit and a nut butter to keep you energized and full until lunch!


1/3 cup gluten free rolled oats
1/3 cup plain yogurt
1/2 cup milk of choice (or a little more if you like your oats a little loose/runny/ soggier)
1/2 banana
1/2 tbsp chia seeds
dash of cinnamon


Stir/shake all of the ingredients together (mash the banana in) in a mason jar, tupperware or old nut butter jar with a lid. Place in the fridge and let it sit overnight. In the morning top with fruit, nut butters, or granola of choice and enjoy cold!

Favorite combos:

  • favorite**: strawberries, blueberries, cacao nibs, & 1 scoop of chocolate superfood powder (or you can probly use cacao powder
  • granola or muesli, peanut butter, banana
  • strawberries, blueberries, banana, granola, peanut butter
  • banana, cinnamon, honey
  • banana, berries, sunflower seed butter

in this picture i used little almond milk but it was an accident haha I generally make mine more creamy and liquidy

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