Tuesday, June 10, 2014

What To Eat Before And After A Workout

Hey guys! One question I get asked a lot is "what should I eat before and after a workout?!" For all of you gym-goers, kick boxers, runners, yogi's, zumba lovers, pilate-ers, swimmers, weight lifters, treadmill devotees, or anyone who breaks a sweat.….this one's for you! This post will share with you A) a little about the importance of fueling and recovering your body with the right foods B) basic guidelines you can follow to choose the best pre and post workout snack, & C) a list of my favorite foods you can eat before and after your workout. 

Did you guys know I'm a tennis pro?! ….. :)
First off, a little disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist! This post is simply a combination of being an avid reader of nutrition, speaking with health professionals in my circle of fitness and yogi friends, and trial and error from personal experience! Everyone's body is different so what works for me might not work for you. But I can tell you that unless you are a body builder who needs a very specific meal plan, chances are that if you stick with nutritious sources of calories, proteins, and carbs and follow some basic guidelines you can't go wrong with what to eat before and after your workouts!


  • When we work out, we are actually BREAKING DOWN our muscle. In order for our bodies to tone, grow, and get stronger we need to feed our muscles to help them repair! If you eat nutritious food post workout you'll start to see the results you want. If you don't, you might have a harder time reaching your goals.
  • Our bodies need food just like cars need oil. The whole " I'm not going to eat before or after my workout because I work out solely to burn calories" thought process is not sustainable, nor healthy! (I was definitely guilty of this a couple years back!)
  • For those looking to loose weight, according to Dr. Oz "Without food to fuel your workout, exercise intensity and overall calorie burn are reduced… When you exercise with some food in your stomach, you're burning fat instead of muscle, leaving you with more energy and a higher calorie burn".
  • According to sports nutritionist Tamara Jacobi, "There are tons of sports nutrition products out there that are unnatural. Though they may give your body energy, they lack nutrition and may actually be sabotaging [you]". Moral of the story? Put down the protein bars…they are just candy bars in disguise! The high amounts of added sugar and other crap in most of them don't belong in your beautiful body.
  • In case anyone was wondering, a twinkie does not count as fuel ;)


  • The longer and more intense your workout, the larger and more calorie dense your pre and post workout should be. For example, a person running 8 miles is going to need more food compared to someone going to the gym to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes and then lift some weights.
  • Eat a snack 60 min-30 min before your workout and within 60 minutes of finishing.
  • I like to keep my pre workout light so I'm not exercising on a full stomach
  • Before your workout: Aim for a snack with simple carbs that are easy to digest. A whole lot of protein and fats before your workout isn't a good idea because since it doesn't digest as easily, your body can't get access to the nutrients to fuel your workout. (Dr. Oz)
  • After your workout: Aim for a snack that combines protein and carbs. Protein repairs your muscles and carbs energize you for the rest of the day (Sara Dussault)


  • A bowl of fresh fruit
  • Whole grain toast with peanut or almond butter (I like to also add sliced bananas on top)
  • 8 oz simple fruit smoothie 
  • oatmeal with fruit 
  • yogurt and fruit with organic granola or muesli
  • apple and 1 tablespoon nut butter
  • a few whole grain crackers 
  • Macro bar 
  • for a non hot yoga class, I normally have a little bit of fruit before or a big glass of water with a tablespoon of spirulina or green vibrance powder for a boost of energy


  •  Protein shake with fruits and vegetables using a plant based protein (my favorite brand is Vega Sport vanilla or chocolate)
  • big bowl of oatmeal with fruit and some protein powder mixed in
  •  almond butter and banana green smoothie
  • eggs on a whole grain english muffin
  • whole grain cereal with no added sugars
  • black bean omelet with whole grain toast on the side
  • protein pancakes
  • peanut butter on brown rice cakes topped with goji berries
  • cottage cheese with fruit and granola on the side
  • hummus and veggies
  • lean meat on a salad with lots of vegetables
  • sweet potato with bean and vegetable soup on the side
  • whole grain, farro, brown rice or brown rice quinoa pasta with broccoli and eggplant

What is your favorite food to eat before or after your workout? Do you agree that health is not just fitness but nutrition as well? Comment below I'd love to hear your thoughts!


  1. Great and Informative post. I've yet to try quinoa pasta but I think I will this weekend. Heard great things.

    1. Thank you so much! I'm a big pasta fan and I've tried out a lot of healthy alternatives. The quinoa pasta is pretty good if you find a good brand but I also really like brown rice or farro pasta as well! All are a great choice:) hope you enjoy!
