To this day, I don't eat meat because I don't feel good about putting a dead carcass in my body. Yes, I know that wording is a little strong but it's the truth. If it's unacceptable to eat your pet dog or cat, why is it okay to eat a pig or a cow or a chicken or a lamb? Over the years I have read up, watched documentaries and written papers on what actually happens to the animals before they end up on your plate. To sum it up, let's just say that these animals are not being sent to a farm spa to take mud baths and get deep tissue massages before gently being laid to rest. These animals (yes, the ones that end up on your fork and in your mouth) have their heads torn off in factories when they're still alive, their bodies skinned and their limbs dismembered all for what? A bacon, egg and cheese sandwich? For this reason, I am pro vegetarian all the way.
Now I know what you're thinking. You like your egg and cheese with bacon and your not going to go vegetarian simply because I'm telling you I feel bad for animals. I understand that I can't force people to feel the way that I do (because I do acknowledge the fact that humans have been eating meat for thousands of years) but before you totally rule out vegetarianism, let me share with you the benefits and what I have learned along the way from not eating meat.
Vegetarianism is not simply a diet but an empowering and rewarding lifestyle that can put you on the right path towards the health and happiness you've been searching for. For starters, the most on the surface scientifically proven benefits that come with a vegetarian diet are: weight loss, clear skin, low cholesterol, lower risk of developing cancer, higher energy and longer lifespan. I can tell you first hand that if any of those sound appealing to you, going vegetarian might be the way to go! In addition to these benefits, and the part I find most rewarding though is gaining a greater connection to myself and to the world around me. I know I sound like a crazy yogi, but bare with me here. When I stopped eating meat, it was like my whole life was detoxified. My body felt amazing and this alone energized me in all other areas of my life. I began putting healthier foods into my body that came from the earth and not a slaughter house and since then I've felt alive, I've felt happy and it is a lifestyle I recommend anyone to try. I realized that when you take care of your body, everything else seems to fall into place. It's an inevitable domino effect that leads to healthier habits and a healthier mind, body and soul.
To health and happiness,
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