10 Reasons to Smile Today and Everyday
Hello world! Take a moment right now to close your eyes, take a deep breathe in through your nose, and sigh it out through your mouth. With each exhale release any tension, any stress, any anxiety, and any expectations. With each inhale replace all negativity with love, strength, happiness and positive thoughts. Choose to control your mood. Choose to control your thoughts. Choose to control your life. No matter what you are going through today, no matter how many things are going wrong for you, know that there is always a reason to smile.
Paris, France |
Smile because it will bring up positive thoughts in your mind and make all the negative ones seem unimportant.
Smile because you are important and there is no other YOU in this world.
Smile because you are the only one who controls your happiness.
Smile because smiling is contagious.
Smile because no matter what challenges come your way, you CAN handle them.
Smile because everything happens for a reason.
Smile because the world is full of beauty, you just have to see it.
Smile because there are beautiful things in store for you.
Smile because there is always someone fighting a harder battle than you are.
Smile because when you do, the world naturally will smile back.
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