It doesn't matter if you haven't worked out in a week, a month, or a year. There is no better day to start up again than today. Today is a new day, a clean start and another opportunity to take control of your life. So get up and get that blood flowing! Take one day at a time. Believe in yourself and know that you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to. Your body will achieve what your mind believes! Think positive, tell yourself you can, and most importantly don't give up. Each day, each workout, each time you push yourself you are one step closer to your goals. Stay motivated and push through any obstacles in your way and know that it is always worth it.
That being said, here is a cardio and ab workout I designed for you that you can do anywhere at any time, no equipment needed! (inspired by being snowed in last week) Oh and did I mention it only takes 15 minutes?! Talk about a bonnuuuuus!
(Complete set 1-2x with 2 minute rest in between sets)
Work as hard as you can for 20 seconds then rest for 10!
0:00- Squat Jump OR Burpee(higher intensity option)
0:20- REST
0:30- Mountain Climbers
0:50- REST
1:00- High Knees
1:20- REST
1:30- Jumping Jax
1:50- REST
2:00- Squat Jump OR Burpee(higher intensity option)
2:20- REST
2:30- Mountain Climbers
2:50- REST
3:00 High Knees
3:20- REST
3:30- Jumping Jax
3:50- REST
4:00- DONE!
(Complete set 2-3x with 1 minute rest in between sets)
(Perform each move for 30 seconds each unless noted otherwise, no rest in between moves)
Bicycle Crunch
Flutter Kicks
Toe Touches
Reverse Crunch
Plank (1 minute)
Side plank (each side)
*google/ youtube any of the moves you are not familiar with for demonstrations
*Modify any of the moves to increase or decrease intensity (also can email me for modifications)
* Listen to your body! Do not perform any of the moves if you feel discomfort in your neck, back, knees, ect.
15 minutes that's all it takes. Work hard and whenever your mind tells you to stop, KEEP GOING!
You got this,
* Listen to your body! Do not perform any of the moves if you feel discomfort in your neck, back, knees, ect.
15 minutes that's all it takes. Work hard and whenever your mind tells you to stop, KEEP GOING!
You got this,
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