Tuesday, January 7, 2014

10 Simple, Delicious & Healthy Snack Ideas

I'm a snacker. Have been, and always will be one! My friends and family all know that I have a stash of food with me at all times. Why? Well it's simple: I love to eat! But you could imagine how happy I was when I found out that snacking in between meals actually has a lot of benefits: helps you maintain energy throughout the day, keeps your blood sugar levels stable, helps with weight management, and curbs your cravings.

If I went from lunch at 1:30 pm until dinner at 6:30 pm without snacking, all hell would break loose. I would be cranky and not to mention STARVING. At dinner I would probably eat everything in sight before my brain could register that I was full. Not to mention, after dinner I'd probably feel really crappy because of the bad food decisions I made that caused my blood sugar levels go sky rocketing high. Maybe this sounds familiar? 

Snacking between meals can help you gracefully make it from meal to meal and also comes in handy when those snack attacks come to getcha! You know what I'm referring to. That mid afternoon or after dinner craving for food that often leads you sprinting towards the vending machine or candy stash in your pantry. Everyone get's them so don't worry, you are not alone! 

Snack attacks can come on because you are missing nutrition in your diet, eating too little or not the right foods at meals, eating to fill emotional needs, or to ease your nerves. Whatever the reason, know that if a snack attack comes you do not necessarily have to run towards unhealthy choices.

  • Try to snack on things that do not come in a plastic wrapper or box. But if you must, choose snacks that have no more than 1-2 lines of ingredients and for the love of all that is healthy, stay away from ingredients that your great-grandmother would not recognize!!!!! Ex. high fructose corn syrup.
  • It's all about how to pair your foods! To keep yourself fuller longer and to avoid blood sugar spikes, pair a protein with a carb. So for example, instead of having an orange for a snack, try an orange with a handful of nuts.

Here is a list of a few of my favorite healthy snacks. These snacks are simple, healthy, delicious and most importantly convenient. Convenience is key. Let's be honest, no one has time to step out of the office to go make a batch of kale chips for a snack. The snacks listed below can easily be prepped and put in a container or wrapped in tinfoil to take on the go to work, school, or even a road trip!

1.Apple with almond butter or peanut butter
2.Hummus and veggies
3. Dates stuffed with nut butter of choice- great mix of sweet and creamy goodness!
4. Healthy bars- my favorites are Macro Bars, Kind bars or Two Moms In The Raw bars
5.Brown Rice cakes with peanut butter topped with goji berries
6. Frozen grapes with a handful of nuts
8. Protein Shake- my favorite protein powder is Vega One Sport (Vanilla or Chocolate)
9.Banana with peanut butter
10. Trail Mix- i love to make my own! Throw your favorite raw nuts and seeds in a jar with optional add-ins such as dark chocolate, dried fruit, or goji berries.

Here's to choosing foods that will make us feel energized, happy and alive!


Oh and p.s I say we get some of these bad boys in the vending machines! Press D3 if you'd like dates stuffed with almond butter. YES PLEASE! I like the sound of that!Whose with me?! 

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