I had the most amazing time these past four months and stocked up on enough adventures to last me a lifetime! But while I wouldn't trade my experience for anything, traveling abroad definitely took a hard hit on my body. The late nights out, drinking and food indulgences, hour long train rides, 19 flights, 4 different time zones….you could say that my body is in some desperate need of some TLC (tender, love & care)!
This is why today I want to write to you about why I decided to do a juice cleanse, the benefits, and keep you in the loop these next few days on my overall experience with how it went and whether I would recommend it!
To be honest, I've read in magazines about celebrities doing these cleanses and always thought it was a bit extreme. I mean there is no way that drinking water with lemon, maple syrup and cayenne pepper for 10 days straight could possibly be healthy. (yes, that is actually a real thing!) I thought it was just another health fad and that people used it as a quick fix to lose weight fast. I never even considered that I'd ever do one.
But here I am. On Day 1 of my cleanse. So what was the game changer? Aside from the fact that my mom and best friend said they would do it with me, after some research I found so many benefits of doing these cleanses! And of course, I am about to share them with you below! Here they are ( taken from dr.oz and the raw food family's blog!)
Juice Cleanse Benefits
1. Detox
According to Dr. Oz, cleansing gives your body a rest from digestion. Our bodies are used to breaking down and digesting food all day, every day, for years and years. So once in a while, it’s nice to give your body a break by only consuming nutrient-rich fluids. Especially if you are a junk food junkie, a cleanse will help reset your system and flush out tons of toxins.
2. Resets your taste buds
If your body is used to eating sugary foods all the time, that is what your taste buds will crave. A juice cleanse will help to retrain your taste buds to want the healthy foods because it will recognize how good they make your body feel. Your eating habits will be restructured and gives your body a chance to start fresh!
3. Super charged immunity
"The immune system is the body’s police force and one of the benefits of doing a juice cleanse is to charge the immune system. The anti oxidants and other vital nutrients in the juices support our body to make it strong against ailments. The juice cleanse super charges our body with essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, good fatty acids and more. A single day of juice cleanse contains nutrients more than a week’s meal of an average American."
4.Mental clarity
"A juice cleanse clears the nervous system of all toxins and bad substances which in turn has a positive mental effect. You feel fresh and clear when you wake up and you feel more confident about yourself. Mental clarity due to the juice cleanse offers a fresh perspective in life, clarifies who you are and what you want to be. You will find yourself having a better relationship with yourself and with people around you."
5.Emotional stability
"One of the most common problems that people face today is emotional instability. Doing a juice cleanse is an effective way to make you emotionally healthy. Mood swings in women, and men’s problem with expressing their emotions and feelings can be solved through proper juice cleanse. It cuts off the highs and lows of the emotional turbulence and helps you stay in touch with yourself and brings out the child in you."
6. Weight loss
"People love to lose weight and a juice cleanse is the safest way to lose the unhealthy fat around the belly and get rid of wobbly arms. The body generates new tissues, the muscles and skin gets tones and all the bad fat is lost due to juicing. While many other weigh loss methods drains the body of nutrients and strength, a juice cleanse boosts the strength and nutrients in the body."
I decided that if I was going to do this cleanse, I wanted to do it right. No crazy cleanses that left me starving and nutrient deprived . I chose the Blueprint cleanse because it focuses on giving you juices that have tons of vegetables and fruits in them and gives you around 1200 calories in 6 bottles a day. I am so excited to see how amazing I feel by the weekend and promise to keep you guys in the loop!
For now, have a great rest of the week and as always, I hope you all are staying healthy and happy!
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