Thursday, May 1, 2014

Stop Comparing, Just Love Yourself!

This is a post I've been wanting to write for a while, and I finally found the right words to do so. Reason being is that I've been there. You've been there. We've all been there. We do it everyday! Whether its comparing our bodies to all the pictures we scroll through on instagram or comparing our relationship to another couple that we barely know, it happens. And you know what? I think that it's in our human nature to compare. But the truth is, that doesn't mean it's doing us any good. And it doesn't mean that we shouldn't try and change it. 

I've learned that while comparing ourselves to others is a natural thing to do, comparing breeds envy, frustration and unhappiness that eats away at you and spills over into every other area of your life.

Think about it...

"I'm not as smart as him" or "I'm not as fit as her" might only be a passing thought but it effects you deeper than you might realize. Every time you compare yourself to others, you condition your mind to create a pattern that is self destructive and that continuously puts yourself down. 

And what do you get in the end?

Stress- because you are trying to compete with other people.
Anger- because you think you are not good enough. 
Envy- because you're focused on what you don't have.
Depressed- because you've gained weight from using food as a way to cope with your sadness.
Self pity- because you are not confident and are blind to how amazing you truly are.

We need to stop comparing ourselves to others. We need to stop "racing" the people around us and just focus on loving ourselves and perusing our passions. Put your blinders on to block out the rest of the world and be selfish.Yes, selfish! Create a relationship with yourself that highlights all that you are and all that you are capable of, letting go of everyone else's judgement or expectations.

This is where happiness stems from. Self love. Simple as that!

When you truly love yourself and see that who you are is someone special, brilliant, and capable of ANYTHING you set your mind to, that is inner peace and self love. And when you have inner peace and self love, there is no external factor, no challenge to big, no situation too stressful that will be able to affect your calm sense of confidence and happiness. Nothing can rock your boat!

Like any other part of your body, train your mind. Train it everyday with the affirmation: "I am strong". "I am confident." "I am grounded". "I am me." And really, truly, believe that the key to happiness is to stop comparing, and start practicing self love.

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