Monday, June 2, 2014

Juice Cleanse Recap & Review

Hey all! Happy Monday! Today is the day I get to share with you a recap of my 3 day juice cleanse which I'm extremely excited about!  I received an insane amount of questions over the past couple of days about the cleanse and this post will hopefully answer them all! I thought the best way to go about this post was to do a Q & A format using the most popular questions I received on my instagram account and email (

Juice Cleanse Q & A

Q1: What cleanse did you do?

A: I chose to do the 3 day Blueprint cleanse I was between this one and the Suja juice cleanse (which I would also recommend because it's a bit cheaper) but ultimately decided to go with Blueprint.

Q2: What does the Blue Print cleanse entail?

A: While I was on the cleanse, I drank 6 juices a day in a specific order for 3 days straight. Each day I consumed about 20 lbs (YES!) of freshly pressed fruits and vegetables and roughly 1,000 calories.

Q3: I see that the Blueprint cleanse has 3 levels to choose from. What are the differences?

A: Blueprint offers 3 levels you can choose from: Renovation, Foundation, or Excavation. The difference between the levels are the variety that you get in the juices. For example, my mom and best friend Mariel did level 1 (renovation) which gives you 5 different types of juice, whereas I chose level 3 (Excavation) and only had 3 different types of juices. 

Q4: Should I do level 1, 2 or 3?

A: Okay so here's the deal. For the most part I am a conscious eater with a pretty clean, healthy diet. I chose level 3 (Excavation) for those reasons, and also because I always like a good challenge (that might be the competitive athlete coming out in me...) I would recommend that if you've never juiced before, don't include a lot of vegetables in your diet, or eat a lot of things like pizza, pasta, meat, bread, ect. on the reg then choose level 1. If you eat a ton of fruits and vegetables, are probably a vegetarian or vegan, try to always choose the healthy option but sometimes have a sweet tooth  then I would recommend level 2. Choose level 3 if your a health fanatic like myself who is a vegetarian or vegan, eats organic and would rather "suck it up" because you know your body will thank you later. (however, side note: If I were to do it again I might choose level 2 just because I think that one extra variety in the juice would have made the cleanse a little less boring for me and I wouldn't have lost out on that much).

Q5: Do I have to do the cleanse for 3 days?

A: Absolutely not! You can do 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 days. As expected, you will get the most benefits the longest you cleanse but that doesn't go to say that your body won't get anything out of the 1 day cleanse. It is completely up to you. My mom chose the 2 day and my friend chose the 1 day. I suggest maybe doing the 1 or 2 day to start and then next time if you like it doing the 3 day.

Q6: How did you feel when you were on the cleanse?

A: One word: AMAZING. I had so much energy, I was able to workout and do yoga, my mind was extremely clear and I didn't experience any headaches, fatigue, or anything like that. But everyone's experience with cleansing is different and I think it depends on how your normal lifestyle is. The more caffeine, processed sugars, and unhealthy foods you normally consume, the more your body will need to detox which usually means you might experience some headaches or fatigue.

Q7: What is the difference between juicing and blending?

A: Juicing removes the fiber from the fruits and vegetables. Smoothies keeps the fiber. Without the fiber, your body doesn't have to work as hard to break down the food and absorb the nutrients.

Q8: How did the juices taste?

A: I loved them! I drink a lot of green smoothies and green juices normally so I think my taste buds were used to them. My mom liked them all too though! She is not a fan of sweet things to begin with and drinks green smoothies so that definitely helped. Mariel found it a little bit harder. She liked some of them, but the green ones with a lot of vegetables were the hardest for her.

Q9: Can I juice if I am a diabetic or have other health problems?

A: First and foremost, definitely consult with your doctor first before doing a juice cleanse. As far as Diabetes goes, from my personal experience, I would say that if you are a Type I diabetic on an insulin pump that has REALLY good control of your blood sugars ( I have a 5.7 A1C) then you may be able to do a cleanse if your doctor gives you the go ahead. When I was cleansing, I made sure to check my sugars every hour and go to bed with a sugar over 110. The only time I went high was the first day when I underestimated how much the first juice would spike my sugars and the only time I went low was after a hot yoga session. In these cases, I just gave myself my normal correction rate for the high and drank my next juice a little earlier than I was supposed to for the low.

Q10: Would you do the cleanse again? 

A: I was happy that I chose Blueprint as my first cleanse. After four months of crazy food habits it is just what my body needed. I would definitely do it again in the future but instead of having them ordered to my house (which cost an extra 30$ of shipping) I would probably go buy them myself in whole foods.  I would also like to try out the Suja Cleanse just because I've heard they taste a little bit better and are a bit cheaper.

I also asked my mom and friend Mariel to give me a quote on their experience for you:

"I did the one day cleanse. I didn't love it because I would rather eat my calories than drink them any day. But that aside, it definitely showed me how much I over eat sometimes. Also, I couldn't make it through the day without caffeine so I had a cup of coffee when I got a migraine around 4pm. I definitely need to wean myself off coffee overtime and not just cut it out cold turkey" - Mariel ( eats meat, coffee every day, eats a lot of fruit but less vegetables)

"Clease was great. Felt so energized. I was surprised that I really wasn't starving. It was so simple having the pre made juice everyday. Would do it again!!"-Michele aka Mama Bongiorno ( eats meat, coffee every day, doesn't drink a lot of water normally, works out, averages 1-2 servings of vegetables and fruits a day)

If you have any other questions PLEASE feel free to shoot me an email (… I'd be more than happy to answer them! I hope everyone has a great rest of their day and if your curious about the benefits of juicing you can check out my last post!


Question of the day: Have you ever done a juice cleanse before or are you thinking about doing one?

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