Monday, November 18, 2013

Make Today a Positive Day

It is easy to go through life complaining about what is wrong, complaining about how you wish something was different, complaining about how you are stressed, or tired, or unhappy. And not only does it come easy to most of us, but we thrive off of it. Whenever the opportunity to complain presents itself, we will most likely take it. Someone cuts us off in traffic: complain. We didn't get enough sleep the night before: complain. The guy at Starbucks made our drink wrong: complain. We didn't get our work out in: complain. But what does complaining really do? It is not going to fix anything. It won't change the situation. It will not make things better. All complaining does is build up negative energy and trains the mind that it is okay to think this way! Complaining has become our mind's default system and it is only you who can change that.

Many people will tell you not to complain because "20% of people don't care about your problems and the other 80% are glad you have them". And while this may be true, there is a more important reason that we need to stop complaining! Most of our complaints are about little things that are not really problems at all. When you complain about how your day is "ruined" because you didn't have time to eat breakfast, subconsciously anxiety, stress, anger, ect. will subside and a negative cloud will hang over your head the rest of the day. Most importantly though, when you complain about the little things, when big problems arise you will be more likely to face these challenges with a negative mindset because it is what you've been used to doing your whole life!

Today is Monday. A fresh start. A clean slate. A perfect day to choose to be positive and not let any external factors affect who you are and who you wish to be. Be positive in your thoughts, your actions and your words.  The moment a negative thought comes into your head, acknowledge it and than fight it back. Tell yourself no. No I will not be a prisoner to these thoughts. I dictate my own thoughts. I am in charge. And when I am in charge, I have the ability to view a negative situation in a positive way. When you give off positive energy, positive energy is what you will receive. So today, if things are just not going as planned, think of a way to send out positivity instead of complaining and creating more negative energy: smile at a stranger, give a compliment to the cashier, buy a random person in line coffee, tell a friend why they are important to you. Know that the "problems" you are experiencing in the big scheme of things are not a big deal! And if they are really problems, ask yourself how you can take control of them and steer them in the direction you want your life to go. When you can do this, nothing can effect you. Nothing can bring you down. Nothing is impossible.

"Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from the negative"
Look forward, never back.

Photograph by Kristopher Glavan. Privlaka, Croatia.

Have a happy and positive Monday! This is your life… make it beautiful.

What random act of kindness will you do today to inspire someone, create happiness, and create positive energy?

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