Monday, April 14, 2014

My Journey With Yoga

Good morning world! It’s time I share with you an important part of my life journey. I hope my story of how I went from a competitive soccer player to a student and teacher of yoga, and how yoga helped me with some of my life challenges will inspire and help you on your journey through your own life!

Growing up I had always been a competitive athlete and for the longest time, my dream was to play Division 1 soccer in college. In 2011 all my hard work paid off and I was asked to play for the UNCW Women’s Soccer team. My dreams had come true and I was beyond excited to tell everyone that I did it. I made it to where I always said I would be and I wouldn't let them down.

Once school started, I loved the challenges that being a freshman and the underdog presented. I didn’t mind the early morning workouts, or traveling for days at a time, or sitting on the bench knowing I was just a freshman who would have to work for a spot on the field. I knew nothing in life comes easy and I’d have to continue to work hard for the respect and chance to play. I was okay with this.

A couple of months into freshman year though, something happened. I started to become really, really unhappy. I didn't even know who I was anymore. The strong, fearless Lauren was always angry and frustrated, crying all the time, and overall disappointed in herself on a regular basis. The thought of not living up to everyone's expectations made me feel like a failure. So I kept pushing each day, unhappy, and uninspired. 

It was around the time that this unhappiness set in that I signed up for a yoga class to fulfill my PE credit in college. I thought "stretching" would be a nice supplement to my demanding workout schedule. So every Monday and Wednesday morning for 50 minutes I was led by Marsha Todd in a basic level 1 class. On day one, I quickly learned that I was by far the most inflexible person in the room, barely able to touch my toes (it was pretty bad!). But surprisingly, I always felt amazing by the end of the class and I soon realized my limitations didn’t seem to matter.

Somewhere between the physical practice of downward facing dogs and warrior poses, each class the same thing would happen. My mind would become clear, the unhappiness would subside, and everything seemed to be put into perspective. With each breath I let go of the anger and expectations and soon realized that life is about doing what makes you happy. Even though my parents and family had told me they would could never be disappointed in me if I wanted to quit soccer, it took the silence in yoga to listen to my soul and let myself be okay with it.

"Yoga is essentially a practice for your soul, working through the medium of your body." (Tara Fraser)

I eventually decided to stop playing soccer and it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. Since then, my practice and love for yoga has grown tremendously and it is a wonderful balance to my gym workouts. I truly believe that no matter who you are, or what stage of your life you are at, yoga can help you. I know thats a bold statement but its true. Anxiety, depression, stress, overweight, eating disorders, asthma, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, migraines, back pain, arthritis, self hate- you name it. Our problems come from a combination of physical, emotional and spiritual health. Yoga touches upon all 3 of these things. This is why yoga is not only a practice, but a lifestyle. A lifestyle that leads you on a path of self love and that gears you towards making everyday decisions to better your health and happiness.

As a teacher and student of yoga I frequently hear people say "I want to start yoga but I'm not good enough" or "I want to try yoga but I'm not flexible and would't even know where to start". My response? If I could do it, so can you! There is no such thing as being "good" or "bad" at yoga. Yoga doesn't judge, it does not have expectations, it does not have rules. Yoga is taking 10 minutes in the morning some days to just lay on your matt and listen to your breath as it sweeps out and cleanses your body of any worries or negativity. Yoga is surrendering the ego and accepting where you are in your practice today. Yoga is powerful, it is humbling, it is happiness, it is everything we need.

Yes, I have learned to stand on my head and to to balance on my arms, but this in NO WAY defines my yogic lifestyle. Some days I love a powerful yoga practice with inversions and sweat and the whole shebang. But other days I might just need to sit on my mat with my legs up the wall and set an intention for the day. So no matter where you are in your life, there is no better time than now to start yoga, to start breathing, to start slowing down and living.

 Here are some tips I have for anyone looking to start!

1. Try out different types of yoga classes to find one you enjoy.
2. Try different teachers out to see which one inspires you!
3. Be open and practice patience, no self judgement and work on being present. When your mind is in it you will get the most out of it.
4. If you can't get a practice in at a studio, try 5 minutes of meditation in the morning and at night. Close your eyes, just breathe. Also, check out for great online classes!
5.Most importantly, listen to your body. Some days you might need to just lay in childs pose, that's okay…that is yoga!


  1. Nice bio Lauren. I started doing yoga about 3-4 months ago and Im addicted. I even got Glen to do it with me a handful of times. I will be 45 next month and I feel stronger and leaner than I have in a long time. People ask me how I lost "so much" weight (I lost 3 I tell them with the most relaxing, non aggressive, mind and body work I was so out of shape when I started, hadn't exercised in a long while. In that short time, I can now say that I can firmly plant my heels on the floor in downward Yoga is def a full mind and body workout, with amazing mental and physical rewards. Miss you...xoxo Stacey

    1. Hi Stace! It's the best kind of addiction to have isn't it?! I love hearing stories like yours. That is amazing- i'm so happy you gave it a try and are feeling strong, healthy and happy:) If you ever come visit new york we can practice together:) xo

  2. As an internet marketer who is always sitting almost 50 hours a week as well as a mountain climbing enthusiast, I know how important maintaining your mobility is. Yoga is one of the best activity to accomplish that!

    1. Hi David,

      I couldn't agree more! That's great that you have that balance in your life!

  3. Hey Lauren, I've been practicing yoga on and off for years and always know when my body and mind are feeling wound up like a spring that I need my practice and I need to breathe. Yoga is so cleansing and therapeutic, and being present in the moment really takes you away from focussing on other toxic stuff in life. Found you via Instagram (thanks for your comment on my video btw!), where I've started to chart my yoga journey which I'm now taking a step closer to my dream of teaching. Not there yet - but it's a journey! ��Namaste - have a wonderful day x
    @yogamamazee on Insta x

    1. Hi Zarouhi!

      Thank you so much for your comment and for reading! I love connecting with other like minded yogi's out there! Wow. I am so excited for your journey in deepening your yoga practice and taking steps to become a teacher! That is so awesome!! You will get there exactly when it's time and when it's meant to be :) Hope you have a beautiful day!

